Monday, April 4, 2011

Why am I writing this blog?

The simple answer is I felt a NEED to do SOMETHING.

Walking down 2nd Ave. East is more and more depressing as empty storefronts stare back at me. Meanwhile too many small business owners in the area that I have talked to talk about closing or reducing staff as they just can't make a go of it anymore.

I'm not any kind of expert in any kind of area. I've got some skills and I try to share them and make my way through the world, but I am very much NOT an expert in community development, business, politics or the grand social plan.

I am NOT an expert. These are just my opinions.

I am just a concerned citizen of our community and of the world. I see people suffering, businesses closing their doors, people barely scratching by and a downtown core that has been left to wither.

After much discussion and bitching about the state of things and everyone basically taking no ownership and no solution. I decided I needed to do something.

The only thing I could think of was to write this. Take what you can from it. I hope together we can make changes for the better.

I have to believe that if all of us try together we can make positive changes in our community!

Thanks for listening!

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