Thursday, April 21, 2011

Earth Day is Tommorrow - Let's Help clean up the City

Tomorrow morning is Earth day and earth needs all the help me can give 'her'.

I know there are several events out there celebrating, and because I am working in the afternoon I am missing the big one I'd like to attend so anyone one that wants to go in spirit for me I thank greatly. Mostly go for the earth who gives us all life despite how me mistreat her.

Richard's blog Wundernutblog (LOVE the name) has a great list of the events so please head over there and give him a shout for the great work he's doing.

I will be heading over at 9am to the clean up 1st avenue event!

Here's a video of Tracy talking about the event and the challenges she has faced in the simple desire to clean up the litter in her community.

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